Online Payments
Payments are asked to pay for trips and events via our online system Please use the information included in the letter you received from us to register. If you have not yet registered please contact the school office who will provide you with another registration letter.
Guide to Online Payment Registration
Guide to Online Payment Checkout
At Merstham we are fortunate to have our own kitchen, providing freshly cooked, high quality meals each day. There is a choice of a meat meal, a vegetarian meal or a salad. School meal menus are available from the school office. Children in Reception Class (Squirrels), Year 1 and Year 2 are all entitled to receive free school meals funded by the Government.
For children in Years 3 to 6 school meals are £2.60 per day. Please make your payment using the same system as for school trips You can pay for school meals either, weekly, monthly, half termly or termly.
If your child wishes to change to packed lunches, please inform the office in writing. It is helpful for the office staff if you give one week’s notice of changes.
If you are in receipt of certain benefits your child could be eligible for free school meals please ask the office staff for details