Attendance and Medical Appointments
If your child is absent from school please report this using the Studybugs app giving a reason for your child's absence .It is our policy to contact parents on the first morning of any unexplained absence if we have not received a message from you by 9.30am.
A prompt start to the school day helps us to establish good routines and make full use of time. Please help us by making sure that your child comes to school on time. The school doors open at 8.50am and registers are marked as soon as the children arrive, teachers complete their registers before 9.00. If your child arrives after 9.00 please bring them in through the main entrance to the school office and sign in the late book.
Please ensure medical appointments are made out of school hours if possible. Advance notice of appointments your child may need to attend during the school day must be given to the office and a copy of the appointment letter. Children leaving school early for appointments must be signed out by the adult collecting them and signed back in on their return.