At Merstham Primary School our vision statement 'A community growing, learning and achieving together' clearly sets out what we wish to achieve as a school community. Embedded in our vision are our values: Community, Aiming High, Learning to Learn and Wellbeing.
RE contributes to the school curriculum by provoking challenging questions about beliefs about God, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be a human. The children learn about and from Christianity and other religions, relating them to local, national and international contexts.
RE also allows the children to develop their speaking and listening skills, learning to articulate clearly their own beliefs, ideas, and experiences while respecting those of other people. While RE examines the key beliefs of the main religions, it also forms an important part of the children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development as well as part of the British Values curriculum.
In key stage 1, children explore different religions and look for similarities within them as well as thinking about how something may be valued by people.
In key stage 2, children explore the different world faiths in more detail, organising ideas about religions and think about the impact of beliefs on individuals.
At Merstham Primary School we follow the Surrey SACRE Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. The units covered by each year group can be seen in our sequence and progression document.