At Merstham Primary School we use ‘Thrive’ a whole school approach to developing emotional literacy and wellbeing. We use this approach as it addresses emotional development needs, builds resilience and resourcefulness, decreases the risk of mental illness, reinvigorates the learning provision and helps those children who are at risk of underachieving or at risk of exclusion, stay in school and re-engage with learning.
The Thrive approach is preventative, reparative and pragmatic. It helps to prepare an individual for the challenges they may face in life and how to deal with them. Children will develop their emotional literacy and strategies to face challenges head on, in readiness for their move to secondary school.
Thrive is a systematic approach to the early identification of emotional developmental needs in children, it enables them to have a tailor-made provision clearly showing the best strategies for their growth. The benefits of addressing the emotional needs of children are many. Thrive teaches children how to find positive ways of handling situations and dealing with emotions.
Children learn how to regulate themselves in order to access learning in class alongside the school’s use of Zones of regulation . Children develop trusting relationships with others. It teaches children how to be resilient and resourceful as well as decreasing the risk of mental illness.
If you would like more information, please click on the link below for parent information.