Merstham Primary School SEFDP 2021-2022
Priorities and Success Criteria
Success Criteria (by the end of 2021-2022)
The Quality of Teaching: Quality First Teaching inclusive teaching for all pupils in class
- Teaching is evidenced as focused, engaging and well-paced
- Differentiated learning strategies to meet the learning needs of all pupils
- Classroom displays include key vocabulary and celebrate work
- High quality work evident in books
- Assessments shows all children have made strong progress in reading, writing and maths
- Barriers to learning are clearly understood and appropriate intervention is in place for each child
School Curriculum:
A bespoke curriculum covering of the National Curriculum aligned with the school context and the local community
- A clear curriculum intent with key themes and ‘big ideas’ included
- Clear sequencing and progression from EYFS to Y6 evidenced in planning
- Knowledge and skills being taught are mapped out to enable children to deepen their understanding of core curriculum content
- Implementation through teaching and learning is a strength
- Robust system to measure the impact of the curriculum
- Opportunities for oracy are embedded
- Children speak confidently about the knowledge they have acquired
- Build on opportunities to improve levels of cultural capital. A plan is in place to deliver extra-curricular activities
Early Reading and phonics
- Evidence-based reading curriculum that meets the school context needs
- Children listen to and engage with high quality texts
- Children are listened to reading at least once per week and SEN and PP children are listened to at least three times per week
- Phonics scores are 95% (Y2) and 90% (Y1)
- Children read for meaning and pleasure; staff model this
- Improved expected standards, and targeted interventions to close the gap
- There is a plan in place to develop the library into a magical reading area as well as a functional library where children go to read for pleasure and expand their reading experiences
Focus on Leadership, phonics, CoEL
- Leaders are fully aware of the strengths and weaknesses of EYFS
- Clear focus from all staff on developing CoEL
- Leadership of the EYFS ensures that progress across the class is consistently good
- Language and communication needs are supported as a priority with successful intervention using NELI and Word Aware
- There is a plan in place to ensure the EYFS area is developed by the end of the academic year
Leadership and management:
A focus on impact
- Strong senior leadership with clear vision for the school
- Strong subject leadership ensures all subjects are taught to a high standard
- Leaders are proactive and have a clear plan for subject development that delivers improvements on progress for all children
- Leaders are able to demonstrate impact
- A robust system is in place for monitoring and improving attendance